Nina Gospodarek

I supervise at Lighthouse

online marketing in the field of search engine optimization and search engine advertising. The optimal interaction between website and search engine is decisive for the success of my work. Therefore, the optimization of websites plays a major role in my everyday work. Together with our customers, I optimize influencing factors such as user-friendliness or the customer journey.

Top positions in search engine rankings

Lighthouse creates relevant content for your website. This content emphasizes the customer benefit and the USP. In addition, good marketing content evokes desired actions such as call-to-action from the customer. With these measures, your website achieves a top position in the search engine ranking.

Google Adwords

In addition, we at Lighthouse increase your reach again by placing AdWords ads. Because users are motivated to visit your website again.


In workshops, I work out concepts together with you. I will implement these either directly afterwards or together with you as part of a supervision. In this case, the supervision is also employee training.

Yours, Nina Gospodorek

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